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Q: What should be covered in a hot tub or spa warranty? Who takes care of my hot tub if it breaks?

A: A hot tub's warranty should be a critical factor in your purchase decision. You are making a major investment, and you should be certain that your investment is fully protected for an acceptable period of time. In the "Hot Tub Warranties" section of our site, you'll find a comprehensive explanation of spa warranties, their categories of coverage, and acceptable coverage times.

In short, you want to be certain that every element of your hot tub is covered under warranty, from the shell to the plumbing to the electrical components. Additionally, you'll want a warranty without exclusions, to be certain that all parts are covered, and without pro-rations, to be certain that your repairs will be fully covered over time, and that you won't be required to pay a percentage of repair costs in future years.

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